Friday, December 24, 2010

one day, many days

"You have got to own your days and name them, each one of them, or else the years go right by and none of them belong to you."

A Thousand Clowns by Herb Gardner

I'm thinking of the days in my life that have their own name. I'm believing in the days that slipped by, unnamed, that those days were carried on the strength of the named days.

I'm rejoicing in the belief that I've been included in some of the named days of my dears.

I'm grateful for the named days that are in my future.

I resolve to welcome each day with a name, open my eyes to its individuality, and continue in my practice to close each of my days with gratitude.

Today's name is love. family. joy.


Monday, December 6, 2010

Thanksgiving Magic

I've wanted to post about Thanksgiving 2010, but I was hesitant. It was so wonderful, I was afraid I would lose some of its magic if I tried to describe it. I will only post samplings and pictures, my heart holds the rest.

A fraction of Larsons driving from South Jordan to Lemoore.
Wednesday night cooking with Anne and Hallee. Brendon too.
Late night arrival. Joy.
Frying bacon and sausage for breakfast.
House continues to fill with people, food, and cheer.
A helpful Presley sets both dinner tables. Carson oversees.
A rainbow sets itself on Cathy.
Birds of good energy from Jade.
I couldn't be happier.