Driving to Bakersfield. No fog. Good sign.
Burger King veggie burger at Phoenix airport. What's up with that??
US Airways changes my gate. How was I to know? Almost missed boarding.
60+ish lady in black tights, black fur-lined boots, short ruffly skirt, busy holiday sweater. I was oddly curious.
My friend greets me. The purpose.
Family night. Honored to be included. Balderdash. Delish refreshments(thanks, Jade)
Late nights... soak up all the time we can.
Gateway. Lost car in garage. Found.
Temple Square. Inspiring. Beautiful.
Red Iguana. Oh yes!!
Mountain View.
I love Margaret so much.
My sweet new girl, Amy, fixes us a great dinner. I liked watching her kitchen ease.
Bureau of Reclamation mug. Treasured. Dan is missing in my visits. Hurts.
Appalachian kinfolk.
Rock band rocks.
Cameron kisses. "Shake what your mama gave ya"
Late drive. Watch for wildlife.
Day of no plans. Perfect.
Paul McCartney. He's lovely.
Dagoda cocoa with cayenne. Yummy. Tummy rumbles. Cleansing.
Baby Jack. Darling. Happy. Bright.
Presley. Two happy feet. Noodle arms.Funny camels. Are they lumpy, bumpy, or grumpy?
Golden Braid.
Too bundled up. Menopausal flash. Start stripping layers in the store.
Massage stones. Can't wait to use them.
Oasis. seared ahi. Carob and pistachio soup?? Oh. Carrot and pistachio. Either way... dinner was perfect.
Chuck hesitantly joined us. I was glad he stayed.
Horrifying scales.
Boots that felt like my feet were dipped in concrete blocks. And you want me to walk in these?
Nice people. Encouraging. Liars, in the best of ways.
Rope tow.. butt trails.. squeals of delight? Really? Rescue.
Cathy skis like nobody's business.
Gina. Not so much. Nice winter wear though.
White cotton. White snow. and n'er the twain shall meet.
How do you spell Johanne? g-o-r-g-e-o-u-s.
Up on skis.
Can't get up.
Up on skis.
Can't get up. "Oh, hi Cathy! What? your 3rd time down the hill?"
I'm pissed.
Let me enjoy the beauty surrounding me.
Cathy's down. There's blue snow. It's not good.
boots off. Tinker Bell returns.
Old bones. Hot tub temporarily remedies aches.
Carson is smart. Really. Watch him. He knows.
How many calories does laughing burn? We should be runway models.
Packing for home. Many new treasures in my suitcase.
Another successful adventure.
Cathy is a jumper. I'm a toe tester. Compliment.
I am friend rich. Heaven touched. Heart full.
this. is beautiful.
i haven't seen this kind of happy on my mom in a long time.such an adventure!
love, lindsay
This brings me rememories (yes, I said that) of my only ski experience. I never made it down the hill, but I had a great time with friends.
I wish I could have been there for ALL of it.
~Happily Jealous in AZ =)
Lest anyone thinks Gigi the toe tester is timid, well, that is not accurate. Nor am I always a jumper. I would not have got on those scales in front of all those boys named YoHawn either. Yes, friend rich. It's quite a gift to have lived, to be seasoned and still be worthy of wearing matching BFF necklaces. Hurry back to Zion!
Chuck always hesitates when approaching a "femmes et voodoo" combo. Did he even order food at the Oasis? Nope.
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