Tuesday, August 30, 2011


Sad is a feeling
ride through it and don't avoid it.
It is a flu of the emotions,
It is a dullness in your color aura, 
It is your gut thinking
you must have swallowed a poison,
and your body wants to purge it.

Routines disrupted
Looking back hurts.
Looking forward confuses.
An unplanned challenge
that demands your strength,
while it weakens your core.

Sadness is real.
It is life and breath,
It is here,
for now.
It fades.
Don't fear it,
it is only a feeling
It is not defining.

1 comment:

cathmom said...

Wish I could be closer to share your sad. I'm glad you are wise enough to let it stay awhile. Unrealized expectations are worthy of sadness. The routine, the good parts, not happening anymore. It is sad. So much love to you.