Thursday, April 22, 2010

Another school year

It seems like I was just posting about the coming school year, and preparing for my new crop of 3rd graders.

Now, we're winding down another entire school year. I've added another notch, another personality year. Class number 29. Amazing that it goes that fast. I wish I could post pictures of some of these faces. I can't even post names. But, here is a sampling of the personalities:

girl - entered so shy. She would only marginally speak to me. She actually seemed frightened of me (at times, with good reason). But, she was prime for academic growth. I could see that in her. She has very supportive parents, who love her so dearly, and want her to push to her fullest capabilities. Definitely her ace in the hole.

She's now almost chatty with me. She's shown wonderful growth this year. She has blossomed. She's on her way.

boy - I have one who is a tough one. He's determined to take the path of bad choices. He's drawn to it, doesn't fear it, and won't allow himself to care about the punishments or consequences. But, we have a relationship. I'm hard on him, I refuse to let up on him, and he knows it. He knows it comes from my heart.

crazy boy - this is my ADD dancer. He HAS to move. I love him!!! He is a big ball of happy. He's on meds, and they help him. If he isn't on his meds, he wiggles and moves constantly. He even wiggles and wags his tongue! It cracks me up. He's a good student, and the meds help him to focus, but they don't fog him up. He loves life. His enthusiasm is contagious.

fairy/pixie girl - everyone should hear her say her Pledge of Allegiance in the morning. It is precious. She says it with a full, patriotic heart. Her eyes twinkle when she smiles.

over-indulged boy - There's always one. I understand the hole they're trying to fill in him... give him "things".. give him whatever he wants.. make him happy. His mom left when he was a toddler. He's loved by his grandparents. HUGELY loved. They just want to fill that sadness. A note to his mom..... "Do you have any idea what damage your selfishness has done?"

bossy boy - Soooooo smart!!! I love teaching this one. But, my oh my... he is one bossy guy!!! When I mentioned this to his mom and sisters during our conference (sisters were there to translate), they all burst into laughter! I wasn't telling them anything they didn't already know!! He is definitely a leader. I can't wait to see where this one goes and what he accomplishes.

And, the year winds down to a close. We've spent a school year together. We've grown in many ways. We've butted heads. We've laughed. We've danced and listened to music. We've learned. We've learned about one another. We've struggled. We gave each other the flu. We've had hurt feelings. Friends moved away. New friends moved in. Some friends moved and returned! School life is real life, concentrated within four walls.

One last note. This week I didn't wear a bra. I only wore camisoles with shelf bras in them. I've been much more relaxed, much more patient, and waaaaaay more comfortable. If they don't like a little jiggle, they can call me into the principal's office. Who knew that braless = happy teacher?!?! I'm going to share that at the lunch table tomorrow.


mimi said...

gina....i love you....

cathmom said...

who knew what braless would do. take another step now. stop shaving. I love you too and gladly share you with mimi. i knew when the year started for you it would end with your heart so full. that's how you are. lucky kids!

diane said...

Oh Cathy, I am about to do a post on shaving! How funny is that.
Gina, you are a great, braless teacher. And probably a great braless-teacher, too. ;-)
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