Wednesday, August 4, 2010

The Midwife Series

And this completes my behind the scenes report, "The Secret Life of Midwives". If you are just tuning in, below are four posts describing, from my perspective, what happens during a homebirth. I attended two homebirths with Cathy, and remained behind with her family while she attended two other births. From this experience, I became an instant expert. You can believe me.

I would feel better knowing that you scrolled down and started reading "The Secret Life of Midwives" and proceeded up to this post. I do possess some linear attributes. In that order, you will be reading in proper sequence.


diane said...

I am SO happy that you have written this series. My mom has enjoyed it too (even though she doesn't comment). We talk about it often.
I wish you were coming next week.

diane said...

I have heard from many stalkers about this blog series. You are an expert. You held heaven. I thank you for these sensitive words, your interpratation of the work that I love.

diane said...

that was me, cathy, using diane's computer!