Pistachio trees - aren't these nuts pretty, in their early growing stage? They grow in bunches, like grapes.
Tractor tire patterns - I like these tracks.
Pomegranates - More and more pomegranate orchards are popping up around the county. They're pretty trees.
September 10, 2010 - Cotton flowers blooming
October 21, 2010 - Crop dusters have sprayed a defoliant on the field, so leaves dry up and drop off, leaving the cotton bolls exposed for easy picking.
Cotton has been picked from these fields. I wish I'd been able to get pictures of the cotton picker machines in action. They're massive!
These are cotton modules. These can be seen along side of every cotton field after picking. From here, the module is picked up by a module loader(I'm sort of guessing on that name) and taken to the cotton gin. At the gin, the seeds will be removed from the cotton and the raw cotton will be packed into 500 lb bales.
Cotton is white. Snow is white. I'm more comfortable around cotton.