Sunday, October 24, 2010

Steve Perry & 43,000 Friends NEVER 'Stop Believing' in the GIANTS - NLCS...

I think this is such a great video, taken at the Giants' play-off game. Steve Perry, of Journey, is a Lemoore homegrown boy. Journey got it's start in the bay area, so believing that he is a die hard Giants' fan isn't much of a stretch. I love this.


Mama's Place said...

Jack was sooo excited when they won last night. Hope they go all the way!

cathmom said...

I stole this. Is it stealing if I told you I was going to?
This is gonna bring peace to the planet!

Sycamore Girl said...

What would it be like to know that YOU wrote a song that was SO awesome and timeless?!
I once went to a concert where the opening guy (Matt Nathanson) got the whole HUGE crowd singing Journey. It was rad. I felt so connected to everyone and I'll admit, I shed a tear.
Go Steve!

cathmom said...

Geez Holly, you saw Matt Nathanson?? Get higher?