Sunday, August 23, 2009

Weird dream

Earlier this week I had a strange dream. In my dream I received a message that simply named two crystals... labradorite and lepidolite. Weird. I could hardly pronounce these names, yet in my dream, the names were very clear. I have a growing collection of crystals, and many books and websites explaining their energies, so I researched these two stones. I believe the labradorite was intended for me. Each night I ask God to make my purpose clear to me, to guide me to the next phase of my life, which I very much hope has to do with healing, helping, guiding others in some way. I feel like I have a gift, a talent, but I'm just not sure how to use it. Here is some of the information I found about labradorite:

It helps children to express their imaginations creatively.

Inspires people who feel out of touch with their gifts.

Brings creative dreams.

It eases change at work.

It shows us our real goals and intentions, so they suddenly take shape for us.

Okay, wow. Yes, I think this was a message intended for me. I then read about lepidolite, but I didn't really feel connected to it's qualities and healing attributes. It addresses help with calming and aides in sleep and restlessness. I feel pretty calm and sleeping is no issue (try spending each day with a group of 3rd graders.... sleeping is NOT an issue)

The day after this dream, my niece, Tillie, sent me an urgent text that she really needed to talk to me. Tillie is in the middle of trying to unwrap herself from a toxic relationship, and she's struggling. I tried an energy cleansing on her once, and she said it calmed her, energized her, and overall, made her feel better, and she needed me to do it again. I suggested we spend the day in Visalia, and visit the Crystal Barn, and I'd help her select some crystals to boost her energy needs. A few hours after our phone call, I returned to the information about the lepidolite, and realized, that was the stone that Tillie needed!

I researched online, trying to compose a "shopping list" for her, and I found a crystal I'd never heard of before.... Vesuvianite. The first thing I read about it was, "Very helpful in aligning the will with the heart." Bingo!! She and I needed to go on an expedition for that stone.

We really had a great day. Hallee and Brendon went with us. Brendon was really patient with this "out of the norm" excursion. Hallee was totally into it... the little Portuguese spirit she is! The Crystal Barn did not have the Vesuvianite, but they were kind enough to direct us to another place, "Gary's Jewelry and Lapidary Supplies." Very cool hole-in-the-wall place! Kind of hippy-ish, with a great selection of stones in the rough. If I ever decide to take up jewelry making, this will definitely be my spot.

My purchases:

Labradorite (rough)
2 azurite stones (rough)
1 peacock ore (rough)
1 bloodstone (polished)
1 carnelian (rough)
1 hematite ring
1 CD "Music for Reiki Attunement"

And, the best sandwich I've ever eaten (well... since the last best sandwich!) Portabello Mushroom, sauteed onions, tomato, lettuce, balsamic vinegar, and feta, on foccacia bread. SOOOO yum!!!

It was a good day.

1 comment:

diane said...

I haven't bought crystals in sooo many years - you are inspiring me!